Meet Jamie Miller, LAc

Meet Jamie Miller, LAc

Jamie joined us in late fall as our newest licensed acupuncturist here at Elevate.

She made the move to Tahoe, via Philadelphia and Portland, after graduating with a master’s degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine from Five Branches University in Santa Cruz, in 2015, the same school Melinda Choy studied at.

Movement for Wellness with Janine Blanchard & Heather Valentine

Movement for Wellness with Janine Blanchard & Heather Valentine

While our bodywork providers are not able to see you in person just yet, they have been working hard behind the scenes to share their wisdom and knowledge, especially when it comes to helping us all with our working from home set-up! We know we’re not the only one’s who’ve struggled with aches and pains over the past few months as we navigate less than ideal home desk spaces.

Transitioning to autumn: Tips to help you flow into fall

Transitioning to autumn: Tips to help you flow into fall

We all felt the 10-degree temperature drop. Some of us might have reached into the back of the wardrobe for our boots, and a fair few of us have been taking advantage of days spent without children and an excess of people in town.

How Acupuncture & TCM can support the immune system

How Acupuncture & TCM can support the immune system

It's that time of year again! The season is changing, the temperatures are dropping, and the kids have gone back to school. For some of us, transitions can be less than gentle and fluidic. Taking a deeper look into what is happening during this transitional time can help ease the process.

Somatic experiencing for pain management and relief

Somatic experiencing for pain management and relief

Somatic Experiencing is a body-based method to resolve symptoms of traumatic stress, including tension and pain. Pain and trauma often go hand-in-hand, and involve a complex overlapping of physical and emotional symptoms.

Acute vs. chronic pain: What’s the difference and why do treatment options need to vary?

Acute vs. chronic pain: What’s the difference and why do treatment options need to vary?

Understanding pain, and the suffering that it causes, still eludes us despite decades of research in the field.

Chronic pain is recognized as the most frequent cause of disability in the United States and many other industrialized nations today. The diagnosis, physiology, symptoms and treatment of acute vs. chronic pain are quite different and require separate consideration.

Cool down and energize on hot Tahoe mornings

I don't know about you, but these peak-of-summer mornings are getting a little too hot for a steaming cup of coffee. Yes, yes, iced coffee is an easy option but as we love all things health and wellness related, we thought we'd look for some awesome alternatives to that morning cup of Joe that will help refresh, hydrate, boost you up and give you a glow.

Slow down, you’ll get there quicker

It's finally here. This most loved and hated season. The one so many of us rely on for our paychecks, and the one we so look forward to in the depths of winter. And yet, it's inextricably one that many of us despise in equal measures with the onslaught of traffic, never ending construction zones and myriad of alternative transport options that invade the sidewalks.